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Bodie State Park CA.JPG

Photo: Bodie is a ghost town that I actually used in Book 2



Andrea started writing when Covid hit the world. Isolated, she created a new world of Old West images, stories, and characters. As with Stannis Hopefield, Andrea fell in love with Colorado and the spectacular Rocky Mountains.


The series spans the life of Hopefield from his early 20's to his death. He lived for family, love, and adventure. In many ways, he was like so many who dedicated themselves to settling the West after the Civil War. He had the advantage of education, intelligence and money. He used them to save lives, to create his own life, and hunt those who did not follow the laws of the country.


The author has traveled throughout the United States and has been to most of the locations where the main character takes us. She encourages you to see our wonderful country, meet the people who still live and love their hard lands, and especially to tell your own story! Hers can also be seen at her website, or via email:


My Books

The Hopefield Chronicles is a series currently planned for ten volumes. Seven have been published but two are almost ready. If you like the series, a fast-paced yarn of Old West life and struggles, you’ll enjoy the last three. Of course, if another idea strikes, there may be more of the storyline!


Additionally, outside the Western Genre, there is a modern romance centered around Liz Cunningham with her family and the family business, a large ranch. In process are other romances, some are historical in nature, a murder/mystery, just about anything that enters into my mind and needs development.


So far, most books are available in paperback and eBook formats. Audio books are not currently available but will be evaluated, especially if requested through this website.

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So far, the following books are available. 

All are on and

These are the current ones, with the Hopefield Chronicles recommended to be read in order.

Hopefield Chronicles


Stannis Hopefield begins his journey to change


Stannis is now a full-fledged vigilante, bringing criminals to justice.  The justice might be to the law, but in some cases, it is own justice.


Stan returns to New York the city of his birth.  In part, it is to seek care for his injuries, but also to provide Steven, his son, with further education.  But education and changes are likely to happen to the father as well.


Stan is re-educated and journeys to Kansas City.  There he meets two men that change the course of his life.  


A young man from Wrangler’s Promise seeks Hopefield’s information for his own recovery.  But the two become entwined as closely as father and son.


This focuses first on Stannis’ final marriage and his children.  His children, the heirs in so much, must accept his abilities, his failures and his great love for them.

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Even newer-Books 8, 9 and 10

Hopefield:  Odyssey 

As in Reborn, Stannis come home from heaven to help his great grandson.  Now, he and Buckshot must cope with the 20th century and all the changes in 160 years!  This book deals with torture and murder by another man and causes great concern and damage.


This book actually takes place during Hopefield: Buckshot.  This time, Stannis and Buckshot travel to Nevada chasing robbers who not only stole from Hopefield Bank, but injured two friends!  That won't be acceptable.  The vigilante returns again to chase the men responsible.

Hopefield: Adventures

A collection of short stories featuring Stannis Hopefield and other major characters.  Many are new, not in the published books.  

Special offer will surprise you and clarify Stannis' life!

Other Published Works


A modern story of a family recovering from the death of the father/husband.  Suddenly faced with managing the large ranch, saving the business it represents and the maturation of the youngest child.  Told in the first person by the widow.   Will she find herself again?  Is there more for her in the future?

This book is the first one started but only released in 2023.  Hopefield took over and delayed this much more gentle story of life, circle of life, love and recovery.


A trilogy of short novels featuring the strong people who helped settle the western lands in the late nineteenth century.  


©2024 by Andrea Smutz Publications. Powered by
All photographs the property of the author and copyrighted in her name.

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